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最も多いのがアメリカ海軍で 、海上自衛隊は艤装中のはぐろを合わせると8隻を保有している。
その後、タイフォンシステムに変わる艦隊防空システムの研究が続けられ、1973年に現在のイージス艦が装備している SPY-1(スパイワン)レーダーのテストを陸上施設で開始、翌年には洋上でのテストが行われた。
そして、世界で初となるイージス CG-47 「タイコンデロガ」が 1983年1月に就役した。
1番艦のタイコンデロガを筆頭に、合計 27隻のイージス艦が建造されることとなる。
「イージス II」と呼ばれた新型イージスの1番艦が DDG-51 「アーレイバーク」である。
1991年7月に就役したアーレイバークを皮切りに アメリカ海軍は世界最多のイージス艦保有国でもある。
アーレイバークはフライトI、フライトII、フライト IIA、フライト III といった4種類のタイプに分類される。
フライトI: タイコンデロガ級イージスシステムを受け継ぎ、当初からイージス艦として計画された。
フライト II: フライトIから電子戦能力の向上が図られているが現在はフライトIも改修されている。
フライト IIA :沿岸域への作戦や対潜戦に対応するため2機のヘリを搭載できる格納庫が設けられている。
フライトIII:弾道ミサイル対処や対空戦能力向上のため SPY-I レーダーが SPY-6(スパイシックス)に変更されている。
通常レーダーといえば回転しながら目標を探知するタイプであるが、イージス艦に装備されているSPY-1フェーズド・アレイ・レーダーは回転せずに、常に 360°
迎撃直前にイルミネーターと呼ばれる目標照射レーダーに追尾が切り替わるため、SPYレーダーは多数の目標を同時に対処することができる。SM-2の射程は 160 キロ程度といわれるが、さらに遠距離まで飛ぶ種類もある。
イージス艦の任務 BMD(弾道ミサイル防衛)
BMDとは Ballistic Missile Defense(バリスティック、ミサイル、ディフェンス)の略で弾道ミサイル防衛のことをいう。
SM-3は高度 100キロ以上の大気圏外を飛翔する弾道ミサイルを撃墜する能力があり、40回以上の迎撃テストでは 80%以上の確率で迎撃に成功している。
今回はイージスシステムとSM-2, またBMD任務について解説した。
最後に、海上自衛隊の艦艇や航空機が 365日一日も休むことなく、南西諸島の領海侵犯や弾道ミサイルから日本を守っていることも忘れてはならない。
The SM-3 Missile on Aegis Ship Kongo, Atago and Maya protects Japan!
The world’s strongest ship, the Aegis ship, is owned by the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force and the US Navy.
The construction cost of the latest Aegis ship “Maya”, built in Japan, is roughly 172 billion yen.
The Aegis system accounts for most of this price, and this is the difference between a typical escort ship and an Aegis ship.
In this video, I will explain how was the Aegis ship was developed and what the Aegis system is.
I will also explain how they deal with enemy aircraft and ballistic missiles.
Which country owns Aegis ships?
An Aegis ship is a ship equipped with an advanced air defense capability and a battle command system, called the “Aegis System.”
Currently, Aegis ships are owned by the US Navy, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, South Korea, Spain, Norway, and Australia.
US Navy and the Maritime Self-Defense Force owns the most Aegis ships, with eight ships in their fleet including the Haguro, which is awaiting deployment.
The Aegis system was researched and developed by the US Navy around 1960, about 60 years ago.
At the time, the U.S. Navy, most afraid of anti-ship missile saturation attacks from the Soviet Union, developed the “Typhon System” that could guide targets, detect, track, and guide missiles launched by them.
However, it was cancelled in 1964 due to huge costs and difficulty in its research.
After that, research on the fleet air defense system to replace the Typhon system continued, and in 1973, they started testing the SPY-1 radar-equipped on the current Aegis ship at a land facility, and the following year at sea.
And the world’s first Aegis CG-47 “Ticonderoga” was commissioned in January 1983.
A total of 27 Aegis ships have been built, after the construction of the first ship, Ticonderoga.
However, as the construction cost of the Ticonderoga-class is high and it is considered difficult to increase the number of ships, the US Navy began to plan a new Aegis class.
The first ship of the new Aegis called “Aegis II” is the DDG-51 “Arleigh Burke”.
Starting with the Arleigh Burke, which was commissioned in July 1991, the United States became the country with the largest number of Aegis ships in the world.
The Arleigh Burke-class is divided into four types: Flight I, Flight II, Flight IIA, and Flight III.
The difference is as explained as follows.
Flight I: Inheriting the Ticonderoga-class Aegis system, it was planned to be an Aegis ship from the beginning.
Flight II: Electronic warfare capabilities have been improved from Flight I, but Flight I is currently being refurbished.
Flight IIA: There is a hangar that can carry two helicopters for coastal operations and anti-submarine warfare.
Flight III: Her SPY-I radar has been changed to her SPY-6 (Spy Six) to deal with ballistic missiles and improve anti-air warfare capabilities.
And the SPY-1 radar is always equipped on all types of Aegis ships.
Amazing performance of the SPY-1 radar and the Aegis system
Radar is needed to detect and track targets such as aircraft and missiles over long distances.
Radar can detect the direction and distance by transmitting radio waves and hitting the target and bouncing back.
Normally, radar detects a target whilst rotating, but the SPY-1 phased array radar that is equipped on the Aegis ship does not rotate and always detects at a 360° angle.
Which means it can detect enemies coming from any direction.
In other words, it can be said that it is a radar with no blind spot.
The detection range and the number of targets that can be detected by the SPY radar have not been disclosed, but it is said that it can detect targets as far as 500km or more.
Since the frequency of the SPY radar is changed randomly, detection can be continued even if the enemy interferes with its frequencies.
Now, I will explain the outline of the anti-air warfare by the Aegis ships.
The SPY radar, which is part of the Aegis system, detects and tracks a large number of targets at the same time, and the system automatically identifies enemies and allies and automatically launches the SM-2 anti-aircraft missile.
The launched SM-2 is guided to the interception position while the target position is being updated by the SPY radar.
Since the tracking is switched to the target irradiation radar called the illuminator just before the interception, the SPY radar can deal with many targets at the same time. The range of the SM-2 is said to be about 160km, but some types fly farther.
The ground-breaking part of the Aegis system is that the SPY radar, that act as the eyes, and the weapons are integrated, and if a sudden attack makes human judgment difficult, the system will judge everything from target detection to interception and engagement.
There are also multiple differences between a normal ship and an Aegis ship.
The mission of the Aegis Ship: BMD
The SPY radar also can detect ballistic missiles and guide the SM-3 to intercept them.
Shoot down North Korean ballistic missiles! Aegis warships tasked with BMD. In recent years, North Korea has been experimenting with ballistic missiles saying to the world that they are satellites.
To protect Japan from this threat, Aegis ships are also tasked with BMD.
BMD is an abbreviation for Ballistic Missile Defense.
The SPY radar is also capable of detecting ballistic missiles flying outside the atmosphere, and only the US Navy and the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force’s Aegis ships have BMD capabilities.
I will now explain the process of shooting down a ballistic missile.
If there are signs that a ballistic missile will be launched, the Aegis ship will deploy to the designated operational area.
Ballistic missiles launched from North Korea are detected by the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force’s radar and their location information is transmitted to the Aegis ship.
Based on that information, the SPY radar will start searching, and after detection, it will track it.
When the ballistic missile finishes accelerating, the Aegis system begins calculating the drop point.
At the optimal launch timing for the interception, the SM-3 is launched. The SM-3 separates and heads toward the ballistic missile, ending the SPY radar guidance at the final stage.
For interception, it switches to tracking with an infrared sensor, and while correcting the position, it hits directly and destroys it.
The SM-3 is capable of shooting down ballistic missiles flying outside the atmosphere at altitudes above 100km and has an 80% or greater chance of successfully intercepting more than 40 interception tests.
A single Aegis ship has the ability to protect most of Japan’s territory from ballistic missiles.
Summary of Aegis Ship Capabilities
In this video, I explained the Aegis system, SM-2, and BMD mission.
These functions are the abilities that only Aegis ships have and other ships do not have, but they have other excellent abilities.
In the countries surrounding Japan, the development of ballistic missiles is progressing, and the number of possessions is on the rise.
In addition, China’s anti-ship missiles are undoubtedly becoming more threatening as they become faster and have a longer range.
It is no exaggeration to say that only Aegis ships equipped with the Aegis system can handle such missiles.
Finally, it should be remembered that the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s ships and aircraft are the Nansei Islands from territorial invasions and protecting Japan from ballistic missiles without rest, for 365 days every year.