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・サイズ:全長199m 全幅32 m
レーダーはイスラエル製を採用しており、武装はオランダ製の30ミリ機関砲ゴールキーパーを2基装備し、アメリカ製の近接防御用ミサイルであるSea RAM(シーラム)を1基を装備している。
搭載するヘリコプターはUH-60P、韓国製ヘリコプターKUH-1 スリオンの海兵隊向け派生型であるマリンオンを搭載できる。
また艦の後部がハッチ方式になっていてウェルドック内に海上自衛隊も採用しているエアクッション艇通称LCAC(エルキャック)を2隻収容して戦車や装甲車両を輸送できる能力を持っている 。
いずもはオスプレイを着艦させたこともあり、今後は F-35Bを運用するために、現在改修中である。
武装は20ミリ機関砲CIWS(シウス)2基と近接防御ミサイル、Sea RAMを2基装備している。
[itemlink post_id=”1093″]独島級揚陸艦が使えない理由
[itemlink post_id=”1094″]これはダメージコントロールの設計がなかったからに他ならない。
South Korea’s assault landing ship Dokdo
South Korea prides itself on owning the largest light carrier class transport ship in Asia, but this landing ship is reported to be defective due to a design error.
As a result, it has been ridiculed as an event and parade ship or designed while drinking makgeolli, rather than for military use, and has not become a force to be reckoned with even seven years after its commissioning.
When it was first commissioned, South Korea reported that although it was built as a landing ship, it could be operated as a light aircraft carrier if it was upgraded, but defects and design errors were discovered one after another.
In this article, I will explain the specifications of the “Dokdo”, South Korea’s pride and joy, and compare it with the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s “Izumo”, as well as the defects caused by design errors.
Specifications of the Dokdo class landing ship
The South Korean Navy’s Dokdo-type assault ship is named after Dokdo, the Korean name for Takeshima, Japan’s indigenous territory.
Commissioned in 2007, the Dokdo’s specifications are as follows.
It has a length of 199 meters, a full load displacement of 18,800 tons, four diesel engine engines, a maximum speed of 22 knots, and a crew of 448 with a capacity of 720 armed personnel.
The ship is armed with an Israeli-made radar, two Dutch-made 30mm machine guns (Goalkeeper), and one American-made Sea RAM missile for close air defense.
It can carry the UH-60P helicopter and the Marineon, a Marine Corps variant of the Korean-made KUH-1 Surion helicopter.
The 199-meter deck is fully passable and can accommodate up to five helicopters.
It is also equipped with two elevators at the front and rear of the deck.
The South Korean military is also considering the use of F-35B fighter jets, and it is said that they may be installed on this Dokdo-type assault ship, in which case it will have to be modified like the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s Izumo.
Also, the rear of the ship has a hatch system, and two air cushion boats, commonly known as LCACs, which are also used by the Maritime Self-Defense Force, can be accommodated in the well dock, and have the capability to transport tanks and armored vehicles.
During amphibious operations, it plays the role of a flagship that takes command of the operation, and the core ship of the landing operation is the ROK Navy assault landing ship, which is also the mission of Dokdo.
Now, let’s compare the Izumo of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, which is similar in size and shape, and see which one is superior.
Let’s compare Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force’s DDH helicopter destroyer Izumo to Dokdo.
Amphibious assault landing ship “Dokdo
The Izumo derives its name from the former name of the country, Izumo. It is 248 meters long, has a fully loaded drainage capacity of 26,000 tons, a maximum speed of 30 knots (about 55 km/h), and uses four gas turbine engines.
It was built at a cost of 120 billion yen, making it the largest naval vessel in the Maritime Self-Defense Force, both in the name and the fact that it is bigger than the aircraft carrier Souryu during the Greater East Asia War.
With a capacity of 470 crew, it has a vast all-through deck that can take off and land up to five SH60K helicopters at the same time and is equipped with a bridge on the right side, one elevator at the front of the deck, and one elevator at the rear of the deck on the right side.
The hangar is 125 meters long and 21 meters wide and can hold a maximum of 14 SH-60K aircraft: six in the first hangar, six in the second hangar, and two in the maintenance hangar.
It can carry 50 Type 73 trucks of the Ground Self-Defense Force.
Like a supply ship, it also has the capability to supply fuel to other ships at sea.
In addition, it has a function as a hospital ship, complete with operating rooms and hospital wards, and has been active in disaster relief.
The Izumo has also landed an Osprey and is currently undergoing modifications to operate the F-35B.
It is armed with two 20mm CIWS (Cius) machine guns and two Sea RAMs, close-range defense missiles.
Despite being smaller than the Izumo, the Dokdo’s maximum speed is inferior to that of the Izumo.
However, Dokdo is equipped with two LCACs, so its ability to send landing forces is superior.
Although the characteristics of the missions are different between an assault ship and a helicopter destroyer, the specifications of the Izumo are probably better by far.
It is also unclear whether Dokdo can withstand oceanic operations as it has no experience of long voyages in the open sea.
The Izumo, which has a proven track record of long voyages, is likely to have an advantage here as well.
Comparison between Dokdo class landing ship and Maritime Self-Defense Force’s “Izumo
The reason why the Dokdo is said to be defective is because of its equipment.
The radar was made in Israel, the 30mm machine gun for close-in defense was made in the Netherlands, and the missiles for anti-aircraft defense were made in the U.S. The use of equipment from various countries makes the fire control system complex and difficult to maintain.
The location of the radar was faulty at the time of Dokdo’s design, and the radar did not function as a radar because it picked up sea swells, called sea clutter.
The 30mm machine gun, called the “goalkeeper” for defense, was also misplaced, causing four helicopters on the aft deck to be in firing range, a fatal error that was famously covered by the media.
If you pull the trigger, you could shoot the helicopters on board, which would be an “own goal” for the “goalkeeper.
On the other hand, the Izumo is a 26,000-ton, 248-meter-long ship that can reach a maximum speed of 30 knots and over 55 kilometers per hour, while Dokdo’s maximum speed is 22 knots and about 40 kilometers per hour.
In terms of engine development, Dokdo was far behind Japan, and in terms of damage control and engine layout during battle, Dokdo was so sloppy that if one engine broke down, it would interfere with navigation.
Damage control is essential for any ship.
This design concept is missing from Dokdo.
In the past, Dokdo had a generator fire inside the ship, which temporarily disabled her navigation and left her adrift.
This was only because the ship was not designed for damage control.
The helicopters on board also lacked anti-corrosion technology, and it is even said that no helicopter can actually operate.
In fact, there are few photos of Dokdo operating helicopters, and for all these reasons, Dokdo has been called a clunker.
Dokdo class landing ship summary
It is questionable whether the South Korean Navy’s assault landing ship Dokdo is really the kind of ship South Korea needs.
Since South Korea shares a border with North Korea, its land forces are sufficient, and only China and North Korea can defend the seas, a missile frigate would be a suitable deployment for the country’s power and military balance.
South Korea, which has a rivalry with Japan, deployed its own Aegis when Japan acquired its own.
Also, when Japan planned to deploy F-35B fighter jets, South Korea immediately launched its own deployment plan.
Recently, South Korea has been trying to build a large warship to compete with the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s Izumo, but I think this equipment is unnecessary for South Korea since they are not a maritime nation surrounded by the sea all around like Japan.
I think the assault ship Dokdo is just another piece of equipment to compete with Japan.
Dokdo is the Korean word for Takeshima, a territory unique to Japan.
It raises the question as to whether Korea really an ally army of Japan when they are putting that kind of name on their landing ships.