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2015年3月に就役した「いずも」は全長248m 幅38m 満載排水量26000トン乗員470名、司令部要員50名まで収容可能だ。
2009年に就役した「ひゅうが型」よりも一回り大きく、海上自衛隊の護衛艦の中では現在最大のサイズである。「いずも」の2番艦のである「かが」も就役しており、「ひゅうが」「いせ」を合わせると4隻のヘリ DDH が就役している。
DDH とはヘリコプターを複数搭載できる護衛艦のことで、部隊の中核となる存在だ。

「いずも」がついに空母に! F-35Bを運用
箇所に巨大な航空機用エレベーターがあり、第1エレベーターが 20m×13m、第2エレベーターが 15m×14mで甲板下の格納庫へ運搬することができる。
通常の護衛艦の航空整備員は 10名程度なので、いかに「いずも」の整備員が多いかが分かる。
2020 年現在は航空自衛隊のF-35B 戦闘機を運用できるように空母化の改修がはじまっている。
F-35B は短距離離陸が可能な航空機のため、通常の空母のように強制的に加速させるカタパルトや長い滑走路は必要ない。
2020年3月から、31 億円をかけて飛行甲板の耐熱塗装と誘導灯の設置工事などに着手しており、約1年間の改修工事が必要となる。
「いずも」の改修工事 927℃の高温に耐えられる甲板
また、F-35B に装備する武器を保管する武器庫の確保も必要になる。
この 2 つは火災時に大きな被害が発生することが予想されるため、艦内の火災対策も強化しなければならない。
飛行甲板の耐熱仕様であるが、F-35 B のホバリング試験では、温度が927度、排気速度はマッハ1というデータになっている。
[itemlink post_id=”1086″]「いずも」の武器は近接防御のみ
「いずも」の兵装は20mmCIWS(シウス)×2と近接防御Sea RAM(シーラム)×2だけで、通常の護衛艦のように攻撃武器はなく自艦防御のための武器のみとなっている。
ちなみに、おなじ DDH型でも、「ひゅうが」、「いせ」には VLS(垂直発射装置)が装備されており、対空ミサイルを発射することが可能だ。
DDH は基本的にはイージス艦などに守ってもらいながら、行動する HVU(ハイバリューユニット)と呼ばれる役割だ。ハイバリューユニットとは空母や補給艦など敵にとって最優先の攻撃目標でもあるため、かならず護衛するユニットと共に行動する。
そのような事態に備えて、「いずも」は陸上自衛隊の車両や人員を輸送する能力もあり、航空掃海を行う MCH-101 ヘリコプターの搭載や掃海艇の母艦としての役割も果たすことが可能だ。
空母化の改修が終われば、航空自衛隊のF-35B 戦闘機も搭載可能になるため、多種多様な任務に対応できる護衛艦になることは間違いない。
F-35B は垂直離陸ができるタイプのため、F-35A よりも機体重量が約 1300 キロ重くなっており、さらに燃料搭載量も少ないため戦闘行動範囲は F-35A と比較すると小さくなっている。任務は対地支援攻撃や対領空侵犯処置を艦上から行うことが主な目的であるが、いずもを含めた艦隊は敵航空機の恰好の標的にもなる恐れがある。
いずもの空母化 まとめ
Destroyer “Izumo” renewed as aircraft carrier with 10 F-35Bs!
The Izumo, which was commissioned in March 2015, is 248m long, 38m wide, with a displacement of 26000 tons, and can accommodate up to 470 crew members and 50 Command personnel with a displacement of 26000 tons.
It is one size larger than the “Hyuga-type” commissioned in 2009, and is currently the largest Destroyer of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force.
“Kaga”, the second ship of “Izumo”, has also been commissioned, and combined with the existing “Hyuga” and “Ise”, four Hyūga-class helicopter destroyers, or DDH, have been commissioned.
A DDH is an escort ship that can carry multiple helicopters and is the core asset of the Force.
The Izumo, which has evolved from the Hyūga-class helicopter destroyers, has a maximum of 14 aircraft on board, and can take-off and land 5 aircrafts at the same time.
Helicopters are not always on board, and like other destroyers, they fly from the air force at the time of departure and are only on board during training and missions.
Furthermore, it also has improved vehicles, personnel transport, and medical systems, and has the ability for offshore replenishment, which conventional escort vessels do not have, and can refuel other vessels.
Now, I will explain how by making Izumo an aircraft carrier, it can be equipped with a F-35B fighter.
“Izumo” is finally an aircraft carrier! Operation of the F-35B fighter.
The appearance of “Izumo” is a flat deck like a runway, which is said to be a continuous deck, and because the bridge is on the right side, it looks like an aircraft carrier at first glance, but fighters etc. can not take off and land, and at this time only helicopters are in operation.
Fighters cannot take off or land, but Ospreys can take-off and land without problems and can be stored in the hangar.
The wide deck allows five helicopters to land and take-off at the same time, and the operation of helicopters is extremely important for anti-submarine warfare to detect and attack submarines.
There are two huge aircraft elevators onboard. The first elevator is 20m x 13m and the second elevator is 15m x 14m to access the hangar under the deck.
Maintenance is indispensable for operating an aircraft.
For that reason, the hangar of “Izumo” is quite large and has a high maintenance capacity, and the number of the 5th squad in charge of aircraft maintenance is close to 60 people.
As there are about 10 aircraft maintenance technicians on a normal Destroyer, you can see how many Izumo maintenance technicians are.
As of 2020, the aircraft carrier has begun to be refurbished so that the Air Self-Defense Force’s F-35B fighter can be operated.
The renovations made to make “Izumo” an aircraft carrier of is not like a general aircraft carrier, in which a forced accelerator called a catapult is used to take-off a carrier-based aircraft.
Since the F-35B is an aircraft capable of short-range takeoff, it does not require a catapult or long runway to force acceleration like a normal aircraft carrier.
In addition, since it lands vertically when landing, there is no need for an arresting hook to decelerate.
From March 2020, heat-resistant painting of the flight deck and the installation work of the guide lights have begun costing 3.1 billion yen, and it will take about one year of repair work.
In addition, the second repair work is scheduled to be carried out for regular repairs in 2025.
The F-35 will have 147 aircraft, 42 of which will be the F-35B. B indicates an aircraft that can land vertically, which means that only the F-35B can land on “Izumo”.
After the renovation, it is said that about 10 F-35Bs can be equipped.
Compared to the US Navy’s aircraft carrier, the number of aircraft carriers is small, but there is no doubt that the fighting power will be higher than it is now.
Repair work of “Izumo” Deck that can withstand high temperatures of 927°C
Helicopters and fighters consume incredible amounts of fuel, so a tank filled with a large amount of aviation fuel is required.
Originally built exclusively for helicoptes, a significant increase in aviation fuel to replenish the F-35B is essential.
It is also necessary to secure an arsenal to store the weapons equipped on the F-35B.
As these two can cause great damage in the event of a fire, fire countermeasures inside the ship must also be strengthened.
Although the flight deck is heat resistant, the hovering test of the F-35B shows that the temperature is 927°C and the exhaust speed is at Mach 1.
If the F-35B hovers at a height of several meters from the flight deck, the deck surface will be exposed to high temperatures, and there is a risk that it will melt on a normal deck.
As a countermeasure, American amphibious assault ships have a special coating called “Thermion” that has both heat resistance and anti-slip properties.
There is a high possibility that the same material will be used for “Izumo”.
The second ship, “Kaga”, is scheduled to begin renovation work to convert it to an aircraft carrier from March 2022, but will carry out the remodeling in one part where Izumo will carry out the remodeling in two parts.
Izumo’s only weapon is the Close In Weapon System
The armament of “Izumo” is only two 20mm CIWS and two Sea RAM Rolling Airframe Missile. There are no attacking weapons like a normal Destroyer, and only weapons for the defense of the ship.
In addition, in order to protect the ship from enemy missiles, there is also countermeasures installed called “Chaff” which launches a cloud of small, fine fibrous radio wave reflection bands in the air and diverts the missile’s radar detection to become a “decoy”.
Chaff is installed on all Defenders, and the number of launches varies depending on the size of the ship.
Furthermore, even with the same DDH type, the “Hyuga” and “Ise” are equipped with a VLS (Vertical launching system), and it is possible to launch anti-aircraft missiles.
DDH plays a role called HVU (High Value Unit) that acts while being protected by Aegis warships.
High-value units are also the highest priority attack targets for enemies such as aircraft carriers and supply ships, so they are always escorted by guard units.
In the event of an attack, it is conceivable that the enemy will blockade the sea by dispatching not only ships but also landing units and mines.
In preparation for such a situation, “Izumo” also has the ability to transport vehicles and personnel of the Ground Self-Defense Force, and can also serve as a mother ship for minesweepers and for mounting MCH-101 helicopters that perform air sweeping.
What are the missions assigned to the F-35B?
Once the aircraft carrier has been refurbished, the Air Self-Defense Force’s F-35B fighter will be able to be equipped, so there is no doubt that Izumo will be a Destroyer that can handle a wide variety of missions.
As the F-35B is can take off vertically, and weighs about 1300 kg heavier than the F-35A and has a smaller fuel load, so its combat range is smaller than that of the F-35A.
The main purpose of their mission is to carry out ground support attacks and violations of airspace from the ship, but the fleet, including Izumo, may be a good target for enemy aircraft.
Therefore, it is quite possible that the F-35B will also be responsible for fleet air defense missions.
Summary of the Izumo aircraft carrier
What kind of missions and unit formation will be organized after Izumo is reborn as an aircraft carrier?
Also, what will happen to the integrated operations with the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, which will be the first attempt since the birth of the Maritime Self-Defense Force?
Unlike U.S. military aircraft carriers, Izumo does not have Airborne Early Warning aircrafts or Electronic-warfare aircrafts, so it may operate independently for the F-35B. But taking advantage of its high stealth, before the enemy detects it, we can expect it to be the first to strike.
Furthermore, with its excellent information gathering capabilities, it can also play a role in detecting targets at distances that ships cannot detect, much like an Airborne Early Warning aircraft, and transmit that information back.
Considering the situation in neighboring countries, it is essential to make Izumo an aircraft carrier, and it is hoped that the F-35B will be fully operational as soon as possible.