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アメリカ空軍が保有する B-2 スピリットは爆撃撃として唯一のステルス機である。
B-2の機体質量と同じ金の価格は、当時 1665億円超であるため、実際は金よりも高いという超高価な爆撃機である。
あまりの費用の高さに生産数は 21機のみとなっており、保有国は現在アメリカ空軍だけとなっている。
今回は、ステルス爆撃機 B-2の驚きのスペックや実戦での活躍、墜落事故について解説しよう。

その任務を遂行するために開発されたのがステルス爆撃機 B-2 スピリットである。
B-2 の開発はアメリカ海軍の高官ですら極秘扱いとなっていて、1988年4月にB-2 のイメージ画像が公表されるまでは、その情報はほとんど公開されていなかった。
F-117 と同様に機体はステルス性を重視して設計されているが、F-117 の直線的で多角形の機体と比較すると、B-2 は曲線をおびた丸みのあるシルエットになっている。
B-2 の特徴的なシルエットは、実は第1次世界大戦前にもソ連やドイツで持ち上がっていた。
当時、ホルテンと呼ばれた航空機は B-2の機体と驚くほど似ている。
それから数十年のときを経て、B-2 スピリットが開発されている。
B-2 のスペックはこのようになっている。
・全長21.03m、全幅 52.43m、全高5.18m
・2000ポンド爆弾または、JDAM16 発
500 ポンド爆弾 80 発、AGM-154対地ミサイル
B61核爆弾、または B83核爆弾 16発
また、RAM という特殊な素材により、レーダー波を吸収して熱に変換することで反射させない外装となっている。
このように B-2 には敵に発見されないように徹底的にステルス技術が施され、仮にレーダーで探知されたとしても、反射波がほとんどないため、レーダーに映る機影は鳥のようなサイズに映る。
B-2の搭載弾数は通常2000ポンド爆弾が16発搭載されており、他にも巡航ミサイル AGM-158や 6mもの厚さの鉄筋やコンクリートを突き破って地下施設まで破壊できる、バンカーバスターGBU-28×8発や貫通型核爆弾を 16発搭載可能となっている。
B-2 は冷戦の終結により、旧ソ連に攻撃をすることはなかったが、1999年「コソボ紛争」で実戦に投入された。
6機のB-2 が30時間にもおよぶ爆撃でJDAM爆弾を投下している。
B-2爆撃機 まとめ
1991年、湾岸戦争で初めて搭乗したステルス機 F-117。
そんな中、B-2 スピリットは唯一のステルス爆撃機であり、実戦で撃墜されたことは一度もない。
先進国の中でも、ステルス機の実用化と自主開発が行われたのは、アメリカとロシアの SU(スホーイ)-57、中国のJ-20の3カ国だけである。
弾道ミサイル原子力潜水艦、大陸弾道ミサイル、そしてステルス爆撃機 B-2 はアメリカにとって核抑止力の3本柱ともいえるほどの地位を占めている。
今後、さらに能力が向上した後継機「B21レイダー」が開発されており、完成予定は 2025年以降とされている。
US Air Force [B-2 Spirit] Crash of the world’s most expensive bomber of 220 billion yen crashed!
The B-2 Spirit owned by the US Air Force is the only stealth aircraft created for bombing.
There is no horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, or clear fuselage like a normal aircraft, with the wings and fuselage integrated into a shape that resembles a boomerang.
The B-2 bomber is the most expensive of all aircraft and it is said to be the same price as gold, which has the same mass as the aircraft.
The price is said to be 2 billion dollars (more than 220 billion yen) per aircraft.
The price of gold, which is the same as the mass of the B-2, was over 166.5 billion yen at that time, so it is a super-expensive bomber that is more expensive than gold.
Due to the high cost, only 21 aircraft have been produced, and the only country that owns it is the US Air Force.
It is also excellent in stealth, and it is tasked to drop bombs from the sky and destroy facilities, vehicles, missile sites, etc. without being detected by enemy radar.
In this video, I will explain the surprising specs of the stealth bomber B-2, its success in actual battles, and the infamous crash.
Development of B-2
The development of B-2 dates back to 1978.
As an attack on the former Soviet Union, the United States planned to destroy ballistic missile sites and mobile launch pads so that the bombers would not be detected when launching a nuclear attack.
The stealth bomber B-2 Spirit was developed to carry out that mission.
However, due to the end of the Cold War, it was not able to fulfil its mission.
The development of the B-2 was kept confidential even by senior U.S. Navy officials, and little information was available until the image of the B-2 was released in April 1988.
A prototype was announced for development, and the aircraft was said to be the model for a stealth aircraft called “Tacit Blue” and had a mysterious silhouette.
Like the F-117, the aircraft is designed with stealth in mind, but compared to the F-117’s straight, polygonal aircraft, the B-2 has a curved, rounded silhouette.
A supercomputer more advanced than when the F-117 was developed was used, and as a result of detailed calculations, such a silhouette was developed.
The silhouette of the B-2 was constructed in the Soviet Union and Germany even before World War I.
Therefore the aircraft called Horten was surprisingly similar to the B-2 aircraft.
Decades later, the B-2 Spirit was developed.
B-2 bomber specs
The specifications of B-2 are as follows.
B-2 specs
・ Overall length 21.03m, overall width 52.43m, overall height 5.18m
・ Maximum speed: Approximately 1000km/h,
・ Cruising range: Approximately 12000km (9600km between Tokyo and Paris)
・ Loading weight: Approximately 18 tons
・ 2 crew members
・ 2000 pound bomb (JDAM16), 80 500-pound bombs, AGM-154 ground missile and 16 B61 or B83 nuclear bombs
The B-2 can not easily be detected by radar as radio waves are reflected when the enemy’s radar wave hits the aircraft. This is done by not having straight parts or unevenness on the aircraft so that the radar wave does not return back to the enemy.
In addition, a special material called RAM absorbs radar waves and converts them into heat to prevent reflection.
To prevent infrared detection by the heat source of the engine, heat-absorbing tiles made of the same material as the space shuttle are attached near the exhaust port, and the structure is such that the temperature is lowered by mixing in cold air.
In addition, to prevent visual detection of contrails, a chemical that prevents the occurrence of contrails is mixed in the engine exhaust, and if clouds occur, an alert will be issued to change its altitude.
However, since the chemical that suppresses the formation of clouds is a harmful substance, it seems that its use is currently suspended.
In this way, they thoroughly stealthed the B-2 so that it would not be detected by the enemy, and even if it was detected by the radar, there were almost no reflected waves, so the shadow reflected on the radar would be like a large flock of birds.
However, due to the emphasis on stealth, the aircraft had no vertical stabilizer and horizontal stabilizer like a normal aircraft, so it is difficult to fly without computer control, and so a quadruple fly-by-wire control device is incorporated into the aircraft.
A Fly-by-wire is a flight control system that converts the movements controlled by the pilot into electrical signals and the computer appropriately controls the flood control to move the wings.
In past missions in Afghanistan, the B-2s flew for 44 hours straight for about 2 days, and so there is a nap space behind the pilot’s seat where one of the two crew members can rest and eat. Simple cooking equipment and toilets are also equipped.
When invading enemy territory by bombing, the navigation computer sets the least dangerous flight route called the minimum risk route from military facilities and geographic information.
During the attack, if it is within 8 miles (about 13 km) from the target, it is possible to drop a guided bomb of 250 to 5000 pounds (about 113 to 2268 kg) at pinpoint.
Even if the weather and targets change, it is possible to reprogram the attack on board the place, and it is possible to bomb flexibly according to the situation.
The B-2 usually carries 16 2000-pound bombs, as well as the cruise missile AGM-158 and the bunker buster GBU-28, which can break through 6m-thick rebar and concrete and destroy underground facilities. It is possible to carry 8 x 8 and 16 penetrating nuclear bombs.
Battles of the B-2 Spirit
The B-2 did not attack the former Soviet Union due to the end of the Cold War, but was put into action in the 1999 “Kosovo Conflict”.
Six B-2s dropped JDAM bombs in a 30-hour bombing.
In 2001, in Operation Enduring Freedom, B-2s flew from Missouri, USA to Afghanistan while repeatedly refuelling in the air, and after arriving in the operational airspace over 44 hours, bombed to support the ground forces.
At that time, the only hangar that could maintain the B-2 was at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, and it had to fly long distances to deploy to the scene.
In 2011, three B-2s crossed the Atlantic Ocean and bombed an airfield in Libya.
In 2017, B-2s departed from Whiteman Air Force Base and bombed an ISIS training camp in Libya while receiving aerial refuelling 15 times.
B-2 bomber Crash
On February 23, 2008, at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, a B-2 place crashed on the runway immediately after takeoff and two crew members escaped urgently, but the aircraft was severely damaged. The damage was 1.4 billion dollars, the largest aircraft damage in American history. It was a big crash.
The cause of the crash was found to be an electrical problem with the sensor due to the hot and humid climate of Guam.
B-2 bomber Summary
The first stealth aircraft was the F-117, deployed in the Gulf War in 1991.
Since stealth technology has dramatically changed the way of combat and its effects have been demonstrated, the air forces of each country have been developing stealth aircraft.
Currently, the B-2 Spirit is the only stealth bomber and has never been shot down in combat.
However, after flying for one hour, it takes several hours for maintenance, and it is necessary to repaint the coating of the aircraft once every seven years and to have a hangar where the temperature and humidity are controlled to maintain stealth. Therefore, not only is the cost of the aircraft enormous, but also the maintenance costs.
Among the developed countries, only three countries, the SU (Sukhoi) -57 in the United States and Russia and the J-20 in China, have put stealth aircraft into practical use and have independently developed them.
Ballistic missile Nuclear submarines, continental ballistic missiles, and the stealth bomber B-2 occupy the three pillars of nuclear power of the United States.
In the future, the successor “B21 Raider” with further improved capacity will be developed, and it is said that it will be completed after 2025.
Its mission will be the same as the B-2, but its silhouette and details have not yet been revealed.